How To Keep Your Restaurant Busy This Year – Part 2

Welcome back to the Online Orders Now blog! Our blog yesterday covered a few of the things that you can do to keep business booming this year, but we were only able to cover five things, and there are still so many others that you can do. In today’s blog, we will continue on this […]
Apps Every Foodie Needs

From the pictures on Instagram to keeping up with the hottest restaurants in town, being a foodie is a big deal and requires some serious effort. As a restaurant owner, you want to make sure that your name and your menu are showing up when these foodies come looking. So how do you ensure that […]
Restaurants, Marketing, & Simple Strategies, Part Three

We have arrived at the final stop on this veritable journey into the world of marketing for restaurants. Over the last few posts, we’ve enjoyed highlighting a few practical strategies that every restaurant owner should consider employing. While it might not be reasonable for each restaurant to go about tackling each of these recommendations in […]
Practical Marketing Tips For Restaurants, Part Two

Welcome back to our summer series on beating the slump that can often impact restaurants during this time of year. We’ve covered quite a bit of ground over the last month or so, and as a provider of mobile food ordering systems we’ve been able to put our wealth of experience interacting with restaurants to […]
Quickfire Marketing Ideas For Restaurants

Online Orders Now is your source for a food ordering system for restaurants that not only makes your life easier, but it opens up a brand new, profitable revenue channel. Through seamless integration with your pre-existent place of sale (POS) system, we’ve developed the most profitable restaurant online ordering software on the market. There are […]
Which Marketing Channels Your Restaurant Should Invest In, Part Three
Welcome back to our third and final part of our series dedicated to helping restaurants think about marketing and the budgeting thereof. In our first post, we took the time to talk about appropriate percentages of overall revenue to allocate toward marketing. While no two restaurants or markets are alike, there is a significant strategic […]
How Much Should A Restaurant Spend On Marketing?

We’ve covered quite a bit of ground over the past few months. Our summer series intended to help restaurants of all kinds beat the summer slump that so often occurs has been consistent in its approach, while still covering a wide variety of topics. At the end of the day, it’s all about providing value […]
Why Our Restaurant Online Ordering System Stands Alone

Welcome back to the official Online Orders Now blog space! During the summer months, we’ve taken the opportunity to put our experience working with a wide variety of restaurants to good use for our readers (and ideally, our future clients). We’ve addressed marketing techniques — both digital and the old-fashioned way — along with many […]
Why The Experts Say You Need A Restaurant Food Ordering System

It’s no secret that people like eating fresh food from the comfort of the home. It’s also no secret that people like to do so even more if they don’t have to be the ones to cook that food in the first place. And if you don’t have to clean up either? Now that’s really […]
What Is A Mobile Site? Does My Restaurant Need One?

Online Orders Now specializes in providing restaurant online ordering software for owners who need a robust and modern mobile ordering system for restaurants that seamlessly integrates with point-of-sale systems. That’s the high-level, “Reader’s Digest” version of what we do here at Online Orders Now. If this is the first blog of ours that you’ve read, […]